How do I ask a question about a recipe?

Send me your questions using the form on the Contact page. Keep them coming.

Can I use one of your photos on my site?

Sure, but only if it is in reference to one of my recipes, or this website. 

Can I download recipes from this blog?

Click on the print icon at the top of the recipe to print to PDF. Note that my recipes are not for commercial use.

How do I report a problem with one of the recipes

Write me a note using the form on the Contact page and give me as much detail as possible. Thanks for your help!

Where to find your published recipe books?

One day in the near future! This is on my list of TODOs.

Photographic equipment that I usually use

Camera: Canon 5D III
Lens: 50mm f / 1.2L, 85mm f / 1.2L, 24 ~ 70mm f / 2.8L
Post-production: Lightroom / Photoshop
Mobile: iPhone X + VSCO Cam + Snapseed

Cook delicious - by Sandhya Jaideep © Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.